Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paulson's Bailout the Ultimate No-Bid Contract

The Bush Administration is famous for its no-bid contract awarding schemes. The Iraq War is full of contracts that were handed out without a bidding process, often to friends of the administration. In fact, the entire Iraq War has been somewhat of a no-bid, no oversight contract, where the taxpayers have time after time shelled out $70-$100 billion tranches as each (originally unforseen) funding restock was needed.

The Treasury's Wall Street bailout plan holds provisions such as the "no judicial oversight" clause, and the "no input from Congress allowed" overtone. Mess with executives' salaries? No way! They earned that money! (that was sarcasm)

Paulson wants a blank check, and our trust. This administration failed the trust test in Iraq. We need to know what the hell this money is going to do and exactly where it's going. Anything less will turn into the biggest graft in history.

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